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Created on Thursday, 02 May 2019 18:07

The next May 12, 2019 comes into force the obligation to keep daily record of the time of work of all employees (RD 8/2019 Royal Decree-law 8/2019, March 8, urgent measures of social protection and fight against precarious work in the working day) either full-time or part-time contracts.
1.- The company/employer must keep a Timetable:
- There is no specific form of Timetable/Schedule, except if some Collective Agreement specifically indicates. It can be document basis or digital, the regulations only mark that it can not manipulable; We recommend, as far as possible, a registration document signed daily by the company and the employee.
- It is necessary to identify company and employee and mark / record the date and time of start and end of the working day of each employee.
- Have it available to employees, their legal representatives and the Labor and Social Security Inspection.
- Provide the employee with the monthly payroll a copy of the hours actually worked by each employee, whether normal hours, complementary or extraordinary hours, according to the Collective Agreement of application.
- Keep the file of the records of the Timetable/Schedule for the next 4 years.
2.- Penalyt.
- Failure to comply with the above can be a “infracción garve” (penalty from 626 to 6,250. €).
- On the other hand, in case of breach of registration obligations, the employment contract is presumed to be full-time, unless there is sufficient evidence to the contrary.
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Un cordial saludo,
New Counsel